Kra­bat-Mühle Schwarzkollm

Let the KRA­BAT mill in Schwarzkollm take you into the world of the Sor­bian leg­end of the miller's boy Kra­bat. The adven­ture farm invites you to dis­cover and enjoy.

Inspired by the leg­end of the Black Mill in Kosel­bruch, the idea to build the mill ensem­ble was born two decades ago. Thanks to the help of many vol­un­teers and trav­el­ling com­pan­ions, a spe­cial place was cre­ated here, which today attracts guests from near and far all year round with its var­ied events - above all the KRA­BAT-Saga and the KRA­BAT-Mag­ica.

Whether on a guided tour, with an audio guide or indi­vid­u­ally - dis­cover Sor­bian tra­di­tions, the world of leg­ends and the excit­ing his­tory of the con­struc­tion of the com­plex. Spe­cial offers such as bak­ing bread in the his­toric oven and the chil­dren's hol­i­day pro­gramme make the KRA­BAT mill an expe­ri­ence for young and old. The KRA­BAT adven­ture trail takes vis­i­tors past other impor­tant sta­tions in the life of Kra­bat.

The farm­house par­lour with its pop­u­lar but­ter­milk pan­cakes and snacks as well as the ‘Haus des Müllers’ restau­rant pro­vide refresh­ments.

Facil­i­ties at the Kra­bat-Mühle: Guided adven­ture walks, pro­jects for chil­dren and young peo­ple, exhi­bi­tions pre­sent­ing the tra­di­tions and cus­toms of the Sorbs, KRA­BAT prod­ucts: but­ter­milk pan­cakes, black ice-cream, KRA­BAT adven­ture path


  • Family-friendlyFam­ily-friendly


Kra­bat-Mühle Schwarzkollm
KRA­BAT-Mühle Schwarzkollm gGmbH
Kosel­bruch 22
02977 Hoy­er­swerda OT Schwarzkollm

Con­tact details

Tele­phone: 035722-951133
Fax: 035722‐951904
Email: info@​kra​batm​uehl​e.​de
Web­site: www.​krabat-​muehle.​de/

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