Mühlenhof Museum Grünewalde
The former mill village of Grünewalde is now a town district of Lauchhammer. There used to be several water mills here in which wood was cut, textiles rolled and grain ground. Of these mills, only the small village mill remains, a water mill for milling grain. A museum was therefore opened in 1996 on the site of the former farm next to the mill. The museum showcases the old traditions from the extraction of grain to its processing. Agricultural machinery for growing cereals, harvesting cereals and other equipment are on display.

Opening times
The museum can be visited by prior booking on +49 3574 3249 or +49 3574 761148. Project days with students can be arranged separately.
Mühlenhofmuseum GrünewaldeSchulstr. 4 a
01979 Lauchhammer OT Grünewalde
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