Spremberg Open-air Stage
The open-air stage and the newly designed spectator area are designed for a variety of different uses. Whether a large event or a cabaret, the flexible design means it is suitable for a wide range of events. Even chamber music and vaudeville are possible by including the stage forecourt. The proximity of the town centre, the beautiful way in which it is embedded in the landscape and the well thought-out parking concept are additional reasons for its popularity.
Event tip: Spremberg Film Nights every year in August
Event tip: Spremberg Film Nights every year in August
Freilichtbühne SprembergWiesengasse
03130 Spremberg
Contact details
Telephone: 03563-340411Fax: 03563-340600
Email: kulturamt@stadt-spremberg.de
Website: freilichtbuehne-spremberg.de/
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