Self-guided cycle tours on the Seen­land Route

A spec­tac­u­lar land­scape com­pris­ing more than 20 new lakes is being cre­ated between Dres­den and Berlin. The Seen­land Route runs through this new Lusa­t­ian Lake­land – from Lake Grossräschen in the north to Lake Bärwalde in the south. Along this 191km cycle route, you can wit­ness the emer­gence of Europe’s biggest man-made water­scape at close hand. Here, where the min­ing of brown coal once dom­i­nated the land­scape, open­cast mines are being flooded to cre­ate a new lake dis­trict. In some places it is still pos­si­ble to see the tran­si­tory phase between open­cast mine and lake. Other lakes were flooded decades ago and now boast swim­ming beaches, water sports, mari­nas, land­marks and amphithe­atres. This sign­posted trail runs mainly on asphalt paths and is mostly flat. Cyclists’ needs are well catered for all along the route, with a wide choice of cyclist-friendly Bed & Bike accom­mo­da­tion.



Day 1: Arrival in Sen­ften­berg
Day 2: Sen­ften­berg - Sprem­berg (64 km)
Day 3: Sprem­berg - Uhyst (42 km)
Day 4: Uhyst - Hoy­er­swerda (45 km)
Day 5: Hoy­er­swerda – Sen­ften­berg (47 km)
Day 6: end or exten­sion


  • 5 nights incl. hearty break­fast at small, cyclist-friendly guest­houses or hotels
  • 4 lug­gage trans­fers
  • car park at the hotel in Sen­ften­berg (or trans­fer from the train sta­tion)
  • One infopack per room, includes: cycle map of Lusa­t­ian Lake­land, infor­ma­tion on Lusa­t­ian Lake­land with route descrip­tion, ser­vice/emer­gency hot­line
  • per­sonal wel­come and brief­ing on the spe­cial fea­tures of the tour
  • Com­pre­hen­sive arrange­ments for your stay
  • Travel doc­u­ments sent to your address

Travel period: book­able from April to Octo­ber on request

Total price: for min­i­mum of two peo­ple from € 539.00 p.p. in a dou­ble room; from € 699.00 p.p. in a sin­gle room (break­fast included)

Arrival: Sun­day, Wednes­day or Thurs­day pre­ferred, but any day pos­si­ble (sub­ject to avail­abil­ity of rooms)


  • Bike hire per day: € 10.00
  • E-bike hire per day: € 22.00

Please note:

  • Instruc­tions can be given in Ger­man and Eng­lish.
  • Ger­man is spo­ken in the accom­mo­da­tion.
  • You will receive an overview of the accom­mo­da­tion options when you book the pro­gramme.
  • Lim­ited acces­si­bil­ity, please enquire with the organ­iser.
  • Extra nights and/or changes to the pro­gramme can be booked at any time on request.
  • The Gen­eral Terms and Con­di­tions of the tour oper­a­tor iba-aktiv-tours apply in their cur­rent ver­sion (Ger­man only)
  • All the above-men­tioned ser­vices are merely arranged by the Sen­ften­berg Tourist Infor­ma­tion Cen­tre. The con­trac­tual part­ner of the indi­vid­ual ser­vices is there­fore the respec­tive provider.



Seestraße 99
01983 Großräschen
Tele­phone: 035753-690249
Email: info@​iba-​tours.​de


Touristin­for­ma­tion Sen­ften­berg
Markt 1
01968 Sen­ften­berg
Tele­phone: 03573-1499010
Email: sen­ften­berg@​lau​sitz​erse​enla​nd.​de

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