Natural Bathing Area at the Quarry Lake in Bresinchen
The lake is a flooded former quarry. The natural bathing area therefore features a wide sandy beach that slopes gently towards the water. Everybody is bound to find a comfortable spot with views of the lake. Access to the lake is provided via a road. Parking is available in immediate vicinity of the bathing area. A few metres away, there is a campsite with bathroom facilities. At the junction of the road towards the bathing area, there is also an eatery.
The quarry lake in Bresinchen is a designated fishing water. In the surrounding area, there are well signposted hiking trails and cycle paths.
The quarry lake in Bresinchen is a designated fishing water. In the surrounding area, there are well signposted hiking trails and cycle paths.
Opening times
April - October
Naturbadestelle Kiessee BresinchenCoschener Straße
03172 Guben OT Bresinchen
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