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Lake Grossräschen

Lake Grossräschen is one of ten lakes at the heart of the Lusatian Lakeland that will eventually be linked by canals. Development of the lake’s tourism infrastructure has been going on for a few years now, resulting in the IBA Terraces and the Seehotel. Lake Grossräschen has been flooded since 2007 and reached its final level in 2024. The IBA Terraces, a recipient of the Brandenburg prize for architecture, offer panoramic views of the lake, the marina and the pier. Grossräschen marina was built when the area was still above the water level.

Since May 2024, there has been limited interim use of Lake Großräschen. Since then, a limited number of registered boats have been allowed to sail on the lake. Unfortunately, the lake is not yet open to spontaneous boaters. Since August 2024, the town beach in Großräschen may also be used in this context. Swimming is possible for locals and guests in the area marked with buoys. Water sports activities such as canoeing or SUP are not yet permitted in the bathing area of the town beach or in the entire lake.

Once Lake Grossräschen is fully opened, probably in spring 2026, guests can expect a harbour with around 130 boat moorings, a harbour promenade and and all key water sport services. Boat trips coming soon. The Ilse Canal between Lake Grossräschen and neighbouring Lake Sedlitz was completed in 2014. Part of the canal is a tunnel that will allow ships to pass underneath several roads and railway tracks. However, it will only become navigable as a waterway when Lake Sedlitz has also reached its target water level. This should also be the case in spring 2026. The footpath and cycle path through the ship tunnel is already open and can be used.

Lake Grossräschen was created by flooding the former Meuro open-cast mine.

Facts and figures

  • Size of the lake: 820 ha
  • Max. depth: 55 metres
IBA Terraces at Lake Grossräschen; photo: Nada Quenzel
IBA Terraces at Lake Grossräschen; photo: Nada Quenzel
The new marina in Grossräschen; photo: Katja Wersch
Lake Grossräschen; photo: Nada Quenzel
Vineyard at Lake Grossräschen; photo: Nada Quenzel
Pier on Lake Grossräschen; photo: Katja Wersch
Rest area in Großräschen, photo: Kathrin Winkler
Cycle path with view of IBA Terraces and vineyard, photo: Kathrin Winkler


  • since August 2024, swimming has been permitted on the town beach in Großräschen. Swimming is possible for locals and guests in the area marked with buoys
  • the use of the bathing beach ends on 31.10.2024
  • water sports activities such as canoeing or SUP are not yet permitted in the bathing area of the town beach or in the entire laket
  • the current beach and bathing regulations for the Großräschen town beach apply 
  • the beach is unguarded, use is at your own risk
  • sanitary facilities on the beach are planned, in the meantime the toilets in the finish house of the Großräschen town harbour can be used

Harbours and marinas

  • Grossräschen marina, scheduled to open in 2026

Service information

  • Parking and sanitary facilities are available at Grossräschen marina
  • Grossräschen tourist information centre with sanitary facilities and bike hire 

Leisure facilities and activities

  • 18 kilometre long circular lake route for cycling
  • Playground at the marina
  • IBA Terraces visitor centre with exhibition
  • Victoriahöhe viewing point
  • Reppister Höhe viewing point
  • Avenue of Stones for walking
  • Guided tour of the IBA Terraces and marina
  • Bicycle hire at the IBA Terraces
  • Tours and tastings at the vineyard below the IBA Terraces
  • Guided tours by coach, road train or bicycle from the IBA Terraces

Food and drink around Lake Grossräschen

Further information

Grossräschen tourist information centre
Seestraße 99
01983 Großräschen
Tel.: +49 (0)35753-26120

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