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Lake Spree­tal

Lake Spree­tal will be the future hub for motorised water sports in the Lusa­t­ian Lake­land. The flood­ing of the lake is sched­uled to be com­pleted in 2020. Once it is opened to the pub­lic, you will be able to explore the lake by motor­boat and enjoy the wind in your hair.

A 2,750m long canal con­nects Lake Spree­tal to Lake Sabrodt and – from there – to the future net­work of lakes. The canal has already been con­structed but is not yet nav­i­ga­ble.

The devel­op­ment of the sur­round­ings of Lake Spree­tal has been com­pleted. Free park­ing is avail­able by the lake. Water sports activ­i­ties are cur­rently not per­mit­ted.

Lake Spree­tal is tak­ing the place of the for­mer Spree­tal-Nor­dost open-cast mine.

Facts and fig­ures

  • Size of the lake: 361 ha
  • Max. depth: 50 metres

Leisure facil­i­ties and activ­i­ties

  • Along the north­ern edge of the lake, there is a sur­faced ser­vice road used by the min­ing recla­ma­tion com­pany LMBV (not a full loop around the lake), which can be used for cycling, in-line skat­ing and run­ning.
  • Bicy­cles can be hired at the motorhome camp­site in Spree­tal (advance book­ing required)

Food and drink around Lake Spree­tal

  • Trock­endock bistro in Spree­tal

Camp­ing at the Spree­tal Lake

  • Camp­site Spree­tal - WSZ Camp with mobile home rental in Spree­tal

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion

Gemeinde Spree­tal
Frank Ficht­ner
Sprem­berger Str. 25
02979 Spree­tal OT Burgneu­dorf
Tele­fon: 035727-52024
E-Mail: ficht­ner-f@​spreetal.​de
Web: www.​spreetal.​de

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