
Site owner

The following are responsible for the content of these websites:

Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e. V. (Lusatian Lakeland Tourist Board Association)
Chairperson of the Association: Udo Witschas
Deputy Chairperson of the Association: Siegurd Heinze
Managing Director: Kathrin Winkler
Am Stadthafen 2
01968 Senftenberg
Phone: +49(0)3573 7253000 (available by phone: Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.)

VAT Id: DE282479696
Registered Court: District Court Dresden VR 5758

With the kind support of the Saxon State Ministry of Environment and Agriculture.

This legal notice also applies to the following websites:

The platform for online dispute resolution by the European Commission:


1. Content of the online service

The owner of the website assumes no responsibility for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Claims for liability against the owner of the website relating to damage of a tangible or non-tangible nature caused by the use or non-use of any information, or through the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are excluded, except in the case of demonstrably intentional or grossly negligent behaviour on the part of the owner of the website. All offers are subject to change and are non-binding. The owner of the website expressly reserves the right to alter, add to or delete sections of the website or the entire offer without prior notice, or to cease publication temporarily or permanently.

2. References and links

In the case of direct or indirect cross-references to third-party websites (hyperlinks), which are excluded from the sphere of responsibility of the owner of the website, obligation to liability shall apply only and exclusively in the event of the owner of the website having knowledge about the third-party content and, in the event of illegal content, it being technically possible and reasonable for the owner of the website to prevent the utilisation of such third-party content. The owner of the website hereby expressly declares that, at the time the links were inserted, no illegal content was found on the linked pages. The owner of the website has no influence on the current and future design, content, or authorship of the linked sites. They therefore expressly distances themselves from all content of all linked sites which may have been changed after insertion of the link. This decision applies to all links and references established within their own internet presence as well as for entries by other parties in guestbooks, discussion forums, mailing lists and intranet areas set up by the owner of the website. The provider of the linked website, and not the party that merely provided the link, is solely liable for illegal, incorrect, or incomplete content on that website, and in particular for damages resulting from the use or non-use of such content.

3. Copyright and trademark rights

The owner of the website endeavours to respect the copyright of all graphics, sound files, video sequences and text, to use their own graphics, sound files, video sequences and text, or to use license-free graphics, sound files, video sequences and text. All brand names and trademarks mentioned on the website, including those protected by third parties, are fully subject to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and to the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. Mere mentioning does not imply that trademarks are not protected by third-party rights! The copyright for published items created by the owner of the site themselves remains solely with the owner of the site. Duplication or utilisation of such graphic representations, audio documents, videos and texts in other electronic or printed publication shall require the express prior consent of the owner of the website and is otherwise prohibited.

4. Data protection

If a website offers the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses, etc.), the input of this data takes place voluntarily. Any dissemination of this data to third parties shall only then be made if this is required for fulfilling the contract. The use and payment of all services offered are permitted, if technically possible and reasonable, without specification of any personal data or under specification of anonymised data or an alias. The use of contact data published under the imprint or comparable information such as postal addresses, telephone or fax numbers and email addresses by third parties for sending information that has not been expressly solicited is prohibited. Legal action against senders of spam emails in violation of this prohibition is expressly reserved.

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This disclaimer is to be regarded as part of the internet offer from which a link was provided to this page. Insofar as any part of or individual formulation within this text is not, no longer or not fully in conformity with the respectively applicable law, the remaining parts of the document will remain unaffected in terms of their content and validity.

Liability for content in the event calendar of

The information in the event calendar of is

  • entered and maintained by organisers and tourist providers as well as facilities themselves,
  • by regional tourist information offices on behalf of the organisers,
  • by the Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e.V. (Lusatian Lakeland Tourist Board Association) on behalf of the organisers.

The Tourismusverband Lausitzer Seenland e.V. (Lusatian Lakeland Tourist Board Association) accepts no guarantee for the correctness, topicality or completeness of the information. We generally do not accept liability for damage caused by the use of the information provided.

Technical realisation and graphic design


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Allen zustimmennur notwendige Cookies zulassen

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Bitte beachten Sie, dass technisch erforderliche Cookies gesetzt werden müssen, um wie in unseren Datenschutzhinweisen beschrieben, die Funktionalität unserer Website aufrecht zu erhalten. Nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung verwenden wir darüber hinaus Cookies zu Analyse-Zwecken. Weitere Details, insbesondere zur Speicherdauer und den Empfängern, finden Sie in unserer Datenschutzerklärung. In den Cookie-Einstellungen können Sie Ihre Auswahl anpassen.

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Karte immer laden
Das Cookie loadMapAlways speichert ob die Karte eines POI´s automatisch geladen und angezeigt werden soll.
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Google Maps
Google Maps ist ein Karten-Dienst des Unternehmens Google LLC, mit dessen Hilfe auf unserer Seite Orte auf Karten dargestellt werden können.
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Google Tag Manager
Der Google Tag Manager ist ein Tag Management System, mit welchem Tracking-Codes oder Code-fragmente (z.B. Webanalytics-Systemen oder Remarketing Pixel) auf eingebunden werden.
Facebook Pixel
Cookie von Facebook, das für Website-Analysen, Ad-Targeting und Anzeigenmessung verwendet wird. Anbieter: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie Namen: _fbp,act, c_user,datr, fr, m_pixel_ration, pl, presence, sb, spin, wd,xs. Cookie Laufzeit: Sitzung / 1 Jahr
Facebook Pixel
Cookie von Facebook, das für Website-Analysen, Ad-Targeting und Anzeigenmessung verwendet wird. Anbieter: Meta Platforms Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. Cookie Namen: _fbp,act, c_user,datr, fr, m_pixel_ration, pl, presence, sb, spin, wd,xs. Cookie Laufzeit: Sitzung / 1 Jahr
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Einstellungen zur Barrierefreiheit

  • Wenn es sich bei dem Element um ein übergeordnetes Menüelement handelt, wird ein Untermenü geöffnet und der Fokus auf das erste Element des Untermenüs gesetzt.
  • Andernfalls wird der Menüpunkt aktiviert, wodurch ein neuer Inhalt geladen und der Fokus auf die Überschrift gesetzt wird, die den Inhalt betitelt.
Pfeiltaste nach rechts
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  • Wenn der Fokus auf dem letzten Element liegt, wird der Fokus auf das erste Element verschoben.
Pfeiltaste nach links
  • Verschiebt den Fokus auf das vorherige Element in der Menüleiste.
  • Wenn der Fokus auf dem ersten Element liegt, wird der Fokus auf das letzte Element verschoben.
Pfeiltaste nach unten Öffnet ein Untermenü und verschiebt den Fokus auf das erste Element im Untermenü.
Pfeiltaste nach oben Öffnet ein Untermenü und verschiebt den Fokus auf den letzten Eintrag im Untermenü.
Home Verschiebt den Fokus auf das erste Element in der Menüleiste.
End Verschiebt den Fokus auf das letzte Element in der Menüleiste.
Alt + s Setzt den Fokus auf die Schnellsuchfunktion der Seite
Alt + m Setzt den Fokus auf die Hauptnavigation